In this post, I shall discuss an elementary plugin that can protect your wordpress admin dashboard from frequent incorrect login attempts. The plugin redirects the user to the home page after a predetermined number of incorrect logins, three for example. However, if the user enters the correct password after three wrong attempts, the user is … Continue reading An elementary security plugin protecting admin dashboard
Deploying Tic-Tac-Toe Java GUI app
In this post, we deploy our tic-tac-toe Java GUI app so that it can be invoked either by double-clicking it or through the command line. Note: These steps below were performed on a Windows system. First, assemble all the Java source files in a folder of your choice. Open your Command Prompt. Navigate to your … Continue reading Deploying Tic-Tac-Toe Java GUI app
Coding Tic-Tac-Toe with a Graphical User Interface
In my post found here I discussed a tic-tac-toe game coded in Java which was a console application. The code listing for the classes and interfaces can be found in the same post. In this post I will discuss a Graphical User Interface (GUI) version of the same application. I shall only provide the changes … Continue reading Coding Tic-Tac-Toe with a Graphical User Interface
Convert Very Large Decimal Integers to Base 62 And Back
The other day I was trying to devise a way of converting arbitrarily large base 10 integers to the order of a billion billion to base 62 and did not get much help from the web. So I devised my own solution using the BC Math extension which ships with PHP by default. So, this … Continue reading Convert Very Large Decimal Integers to Base 62 And Back
Simple File Searcher App: An Exercise in Concurrency
Here is a simple app for searching files on a computer. The app uses a recursive algorithm to compare names of files and folders with the search keyword and returns all the matches. The procedure is as follows: 1. list the roots of the filesystem 2. for each root listed in step1: a. list folders … Continue reading Simple File Searcher App: An Exercise in Concurrency
Coding a game of tic-tac-toe using 3 different languages
I used a brute force logic to develop an algorithm for tic-tac-toe. Firstly, there are only 8 triads of winning points or moves: three vertical, three horizontal and 2 diagonals. Players play taking turns or making moves alternately. Player 1 makes a maximum of 5 moves and player 2 makes a maximum of 4 moves … Continue reading Coding a game of tic-tac-toe using 3 different languages
Hangman Console Game in Java and Microsoft .net
This game is a console game application based on hangman, a popular game worldwide. There is a text file with a list of movies in it, one per line. When the game begins, the user is shown a movie title with the letters obscured by asterisks or stars. The user is asked to guess a … Continue reading Hangman Console Game in Java and Microsoft .net
PHP Web Services: What they are, what they do and how to make one.
A “Web Service” is a bunch of code that resides on a server in an intranet or the internet. It performs some function and returns some data required by the client application that calls it. e.g. A foreign exchange web service might return the rates at which euros are converted to US dollars. A weather … Continue reading PHP Web Services: What they are, what they do and how to make one.
Cows and Bulls: A simple word guessing game
“Cows and Bulls” is a simple word guessing game. In the beginning, the player is told how many letters there are in the word to guess. This is indicated by the number of stars or asterisks displayed. Then the player guesses the word. If the guess is correct, the player is declared a winner and … Continue reading Cows and Bulls: A simple word guessing game
My WordPress Plugin for Customer Reviews
Welcome to my site! I have just posted my wordpress plugin named eazy123 customer reviews. The demo can be found here. Its salient features include not asking reviewers their email addresses and a five-star rating system. Take it out for a test drive. Screenshots given below. Hope you like it!